Benefits of Zeolites in Goat Feed

Goat is one of the livestock that has the Latin name capra Aegragus hircus. As is known, goats are livestock that have many advantages. The meat has a fairly high sale value and is valued both at home and abroad. Goat livestock is a type of activity that is beneficial and enjoyable. Business that is clearly producing without speculation. Other benefits of raising goats in addition to cultivation, goats can also be used as food ingredients that have high nutritional value for human life.

Care and maintenance of goats is tricky. But for the location of the village or village to keep goats have a lot of convenience because in the village there is still a lot of vacant land covered with grass as food. Only with 1 year of harvest for livestock, 5 goats consisting of 2 males and females can produce 25 heads. In addition to the fast harvest period, goats are very easy to produce coffers of money. Goats are very easy to sell to agents and markets. Especially if we have goat cattle whose quality is healthy and fat. Buyers will come by themselves.

In addition to making money or investing, goat meat is also a very high nutritious food and very rich in benefits in the life and human body. Of course, by having these animals the intake is easy to get. Another advantage is that goats are animals that are very easy to adapt to the conditions and the environment. So that in a fast time goats can be easily tamed and maintained, and do not need to prepare a special location.


Zeolites are minerals that contain hydrated aluminosilicate with soluble base and antacid earth. Zeolites have such huge numbers of advantages in numerous divisions, particularly horticulture all in all. There are numerous examinations have discovered the advantage of zeolite in farming. Geochemists and mineralogists watch that zeolites are the eventual outcome of established volcanoes into volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and variable rocks which in this manner experience enduring because of the impact of warmth and cold with the target that zeolite minerals finally encompassed. These stones are diminished to light blue in concealing. Mineralogists express that zeolites contain more than 30 normal minerals, for instance, Natrolite, Thomsonite, Analytes, Hendalites, Clinoptilotites, and Modernities. 

Zeolite properties have been found by inspects. Accordingly, ponders found that zeolite contained up to 70% of the high extent among silica and aluminum oxides. The examination also found the morphology of the penetrable structure on regular zeolites that prepared to hold and desorb substances. Zeolite moreover has the ability to specific adsorption of immense cations. This is a result of the proximity of the molecule size that described as strong Coloumb collaboration with the structure of the zeolite. Their physicochemical properties essentially depend upon the substance of the zeolitic stage in the stone, for instance, cations exchange structure and nature of corruption. Customary zeolites are penetrable structures, the basic porosity of them is directed by the micropores of pearls, and the helper one – by the transitional pores and macropores. 

Research in different nations shows that giving zeolites gives great weight gain. This might be brought about by particle trade control of the grouping of ammonium particles in the stomach related tract. In any case, a few examinations show a sign of higher protein focuses. The impact of blending zeolite in with creature feed is as per the following. 

1. improve creature development and Weight gain by expanded nourishment change rate efficiencies (less feed required per pound of Weight gain) 

2. A strong liking for ammonium gives unrivaled scent control and a sound situation. Additionally ensures the infiltration of smelling salts into the circulatory system. 

3. Reduction of Scours, acidosis, looseness of the bowels, enteritis and other gastrointestinal illnesses 

4. Improved bone development 

Following quite a while of effective field testing many feed providers and end-clients have remembered zeolite for creature feed added substances (around 2% to 5%) in their feed flexibly program. There is a general improvement in development and wellbeing of these creatures subsequently.

Thank you for reading our article. Keep in touch with Nusagri to get more information about zeolite. is the pioneer in exploitation and processing of zeolite minerals in Indonesia used in Agricultural and multi sectors. Nusagri exported tons of zeolite for many countries including India and Malaysia. Please check our website and social media for further information about zeolite.


Zeolites to Reduce Salmonella in Broilers

Poultry cultivating is one of the agribusiness areas that produce poultry items, for example, eggs and meats. The item is significant in light of the fact that it utilized as cooking material or in any event, for modern material. Many individuals devoured poultry items consistently. Poultry cultivating, raising of winged creatures locally or financially, in a general sense for meat and eggs yet also for plumes. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are of basic hugeness, while guinea fowl and squabs (energetic pigeons) are primarily of neighborhood interest. This article treats the principles and practices of poultry developing.

Broiler chicken is the result of red jungle fowl, broiler chicken has tender meat, so it is easy to process but the tender meat is increasingly difficult to prepare so it will be destroyed.

Unlike free-range chickens, broiler chickens are maintained industrially. In the cultivation of broilers kept brooders and puppies. Broiler chickens were first cultivated in Indonesia in the 1950s. But it was popular in the 1980s. At that time many people still did not receive broiler chickens, until in 1981 a government began grinding broilers, this was intended to meet the protein needs of the community.

Broiler chicken farming is now mostly directed to business needs. In large-scale industries, they have provided seeds, feeds, medicines and marketing. This makes it easier for breeders to start raising laying hens from the availability of seeds and other equipment such as feed, medicine to marketing.

Contamination of poultry by nourishment borne pathogens, for example, Salmonella is viewed as one of the serious issues confronting the advancement of the poultry business. As of late, the oven business endured critical financial misfortunes because of an absence of a total checking system to essentially diminish pathogens in poultry. Thusly, this occurrence made noteworthy financial misfortune the grill business. Unmistakably Salmonella nourishment sullying that is related to the utilization of poultry items is viewed as a major issue for the neighborhood poultry industry just as for the customers. Along these lines, It becomes obvious that controlling Salmonella at the homestead and at the handling plant are significant objectives to both the business and the general wellbeing specialists. This control should be possible by using various medicines to diminish the degrees of Salmonella at the ranch level to the most minimal conceivable and apply great practices at the handling plants to forestall the danger of cross defilement during preparing. Medicines, for example, serious avoidance.

Zeolite is a stone that contains normal minerals delivered utilizing aluminum silicate which is hydrated by solvent base metals and fundamental earth. Trademark Zeolite joined wellspring of fluid magma discharge. Geochemists and mineralogists check that zeolites are the aftereffect of cemented volcanoes into volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and variable rocks which thusly experience suffering due to the effect of warmth and cold with the objective that zeolite minerals at long last surrounded. These stones are dim to pale blue in shading. Mineralogists express that zeolites contain in excess of 30 common minerals, for example, Natrolite, Thomsonite, Analytes, Hendalites, Clinoptilotites, and Modernities. 

Zeolite properties have been found by examines. As a result, contemplates found that zeolite contained up to 70% of high proportion among silica and aluminum oxides. The study additionally discovered the morphology of the permeable structure on common zeolites that ready to retain and desorb substances. Zeolite additionally has the capacity to particular adsorption of huge cations. This is because of the nearness of the particle size that characterized as solid Coloumb cooperation with the structure of the zeolite. Their physicochemical properties basically rely upon the substance of the zeolitic stage in the stone, for example, cations trade structure and nature of debasements. Regular zeolites are permeable frameworks, the essential porosity of them is dictated by the micropores of gems, and the auxiliary one – by the transitional pores and macropores.

Including zeolite in the oven feed will influence the commonness of Salmonella on the outside body and in the ceca at various ages throughout the winter season. The outcome found that including all the various degrees of zeolite in the oven feed altogether (p<0.05) decreased Salmonella defilement on the outside body at 21 and 35 days old enough and numerical, yet not noteworthy decrease (p>0.05) at day 7. It is imperative to take note of that despite the fact that the Salmonella sullying on the outside body of the benchmark group at various ages was more in the mid year than in winter, the pollution decrease because of the medicines was more articulated in the winter than in the late spring season. This could be because of the way that degrees of dampness and smelling salts in the oven houses are more in the winter season than in the late spring season. It has been accounted for that alkali levels in the oven house are higher throughout the winter season than throughout the late spring season which could prompt an expansion in Salmonella sullying.


Zeolites to Reduce Water Hardness

Water is a very important need for human life, therefore if the water needs have not been met both in quantity and quality, it will have a major impact on people’s social and economic life. In terms of utilization, water use can be categorized in 2 categories, namely household water and industrial water, each of which has certain requirements. These requirements include physical, chemical and bacteriological requirements, all three requirements constitute a unity, so that if there is one parameter that does not meet the requirements, the water is not suitable for use. One of the chemical parameters in the water quality requirements is the amount of the elemental content of Ca2 + and Mg2 + in water, which is commonly referred to as water hardness. Hardness in water is highly undesirable both for household use and for industrial use. For household water a high level of hardness results in more soap consumption because soap becomes less effective due to one part of the soap molecule being bound by the Ca / Mg element.

For industrial water the element Ca can cause scale on the walls of the heating system equipment so that it can cause damage to industrial equipment, besides that it can inhibit the heating process. This problem can result in a decline in industry performance which can ultimately result in losses. Therefore, hardness requirements in industrial water are highly considered. In general, the amount of hardness in industrial water must be zero, meaning that the elements Ca and Mg are completely eliminated. Based on this fact it is necessary to conduct a technological assessment to reduce or even eliminate hardness in water. So that this technology can be applied to small industries or home industries, the system chosen is the ion exchange system, which is a fairly simple system, and besides that the ion exchange material used is a relatively inexpensive material, zeolite, so as a whole from a technical perspective and the economy can be reached by small industry and home industries.

Zeolites are derived from alumino silicate minerals that are dehydrated with alkali and alkaline earth cations, having structures in three dimensions that are not limited to cavities. The ratio of silica and aluminum varies, resulting in many types of zeolite minerals found in nature. Zeolite is a rather soft crystal with a specific gravity that varies between 2 – 24 gr / cm3. The crystal water is easily released by heating, when exposed to air it will quickly return to its original state because it is easy to absorb water from the air. It is easy to exchange alkaline ions with other elemental ions.

 Based on the source, zeolite is divided into two, first is zeolite originating from nature hereinafter referred to as natural zeolite, second is artificial zeolite namely zeolite made by humans. Natural zeolite is found in the form of sedimentation that occurs due to the alteration of volcanic dust by water. In fact zeolite sedimentation continues on an ocean floor. From marine studies it is known that Philipsit zeolite is the most mineral in nature. Artificial zeolite is made by imitating the hydrothermal process that occurs in natural zeolite minerals. Artificial zeolite is made from alumino silicate gel, which is a type of gel made from a solution of sodium aluminal, sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide. The gel structure is formed due to the polymerization of aluminate and silicate anions. The difference in chemical composition and the molecular weight distribution of the solution, will cause differences in the zeolite structure that occurs. At present there are at least 30 types of artificial zeolites, as a result of variations in parameters such as temperature, crystallization and initial gel composition. Indonesia as a volcanic region, has volcanic products, in the form of zeolite minerals which are quite a lot. According to the Directorate of Mineral Resources, no less than 6 known deposit sites and around 40 estimated sediment locations produce zeolite minerals. The six known locations are Nanggung-West Java, Cikotok-West Java, Naggreg-West Java, Pacitan-East Java, Sidomulyo-East Java, Cikembar-West Java.

Hardness is divided into two types of hardness, namely temporary hardness and permanent hardness. Water that contains calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate hardness is called carbonate hardness or temporary hardness, because the hardness can be removed by heating or by lime application. Meanwhile, water containing calcium sulfate hardness, calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride, is called permanent hardness because it cannot be removed by heating, but can be done in other ways and one of them is the ion exchange process. Hardness levels in various waters vary, generally groundwater has a high level of hardness, this happens, because ground water comes in contact with limestone in the soil layer through which water passes. Low surface hardness (soft water), non-carbonate hardness in surface water sourced from calcium sulfate found in clay and other deposits.

Hardness is felt as a result, especially in the use of industrial water, because hardness can cause damage to heating devices, therefore the industrial water requirements for parameter hardness values should be zero, so as to guarantee that there will be no scaling on heating devices. Based on this, in industries that use heating devices, it is absolutely necessary to first soften the water used. Of the several softening processes that have been discussed, the softening process with the ion exchange system is the most practical. The advantages of this process include not producing solid waste that can cause other problems, besides that softeners used are not only disposable but can be reused by regeneration. In the case of device design, for the ion exchange system it can be done based on the characteristics of the ionizing agent used. In the process of ion exchange that needs to be considered is the operating time cycle that must be precise, namely the time of change between the softening, washing and backwashing / regeneration processes. If this time cycle is carried out appropriately and regularly, the treated water produced will be as planned. Through this experiment the time exchanger ion, which in this case zeolite, has reached its saturation point, can be estimated at the time for washing and regeneration.

Zeolite as Pig Feed Additive

Pigs are one of the animals with great potential to be developed in an effort to meet the need for meat. This is supported by its nature which has growth and breeding that is fast, prolific, efficient in converting feed into meat and has meat with a high percentage of carcasses. Consumers will usually pay attention to some of the characteristics that are used as a handle in choosing quality pork, among others: color, tenderness, taste, and taste after cooking. Other characteristics that also determine the quality of pork are intramuscular fat, cooking losses, fluid retention, and meat pH.

Efforts to improve the quality of pork can not be separated from the rations given to livestock during its growing period. A good ration must contain nutrients needed for growth. Protein is the most essential nutrient for pig growth. Ingredients, especially rations which are commonly used as a source of protein, are relatively expensive, in addition to the cost of ration, it is also the biggest cost in the pig farm business, reaching 60% to 80% of the total production cost. Providing cheap rations with low quality, an imbalance in the amount of ration nutrition provided, as well as the limitation of their provision is often done to reduce these costs, which of course this situation will affect the quality of meat produced.

Feed or food for livestock is one important factor in the business of pigs. Because 60% of the total cost is spent on the needs of pigs (seeds), and 80% is for fattening pigs. Therefore, one thing to note here is that although pigs are naturally classified as animals that eat very greedy, and like to eat anything, but they need to be given food with the correct calculation. Because, in addition to pigs having a lot of food and greed, the conversion to food is very good, so if the maintenance is good, the growth rate will be good too.


The problem faced is the amount of expenditure for the cost of feed, per day. The feed given is in the form of corn, rice bran, tofu pulp, and cassava. Feed is given 2 times a day, ie morning and evening. feed for 1 pig weaned as much as 4-5 buckets, while for seedlings given 1 bucket. Pigs are also given vitamin B-complex, medoxy, verbex, which aims to treat and prevent itching. Feeding pigs in large quantities is not a guarantee that pigs will develop properly, as expected, if the quality of food provided does not meet the nutritional requirements of pigs. The provision of rations is factors that absolutely cannot be ruled out.

Pigs in their growth, breeding, fattening and health require certain substances, which when they are deficient, pigs will develop differentiation disease. Period starter (0-11 weeks), protein 20-22% and sebaknya given milk milk and ground corn. Grower period (10 – 24 weeks), 17% protein plus fresh forages, minerals and vitamins. Fattening (up to 10 months), 14% protein and quality feed so that it can reach weight + 100 kg. Seedlings, with 14% protein, foods high in fiber, and fresh forage but do not need to cook rations. Food is given 2-3 times a day and does not absolutely have to be cooked.

Because vitamin substances in a cooked food mixture will be damaged or lost, but there are also things that need to be cooked like cassava, taro leaves and soybeans because they contain toxins, can cause itching, it contains anti-metabolic substances. Pigs, besides needing food, also need clean drinking water every day and are provided unlimitedly in a cage so pigs can drink according to their needs.

The search for alternative feed ingredients is carried out by considering the availability, quality and price, as well as not competing human needs, as well as a source of minerals and protein. In addition, the composition of the ration composition with the right level and as optimal as possible must be done, so that a good and balanced ration is obtained in accordance with the needs of livestock. Zeolites are mining commodities that can be used as a source of minerals in the ration. This mineral is quite abundant in Indonesia and has a characteristic that is having high absorption and cation exchange capacity. Zeolites are not a single mineral consisting of several types. The zeolite mineral content is calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, strontium and barium. In general, zeolite minerals are aluminosilicate hydrate compounds with alkali metals.

The ion exchange and absorption ability of zeolites can be used to increase the efficiency of nitrogen use in feed, reduce intestinal diseases in piglets and ruminants, control water and ammonia content in livestock manure, filter wastewater from the hatchery industry, and to reduce nitrogen content in feeding. livestock and livestock industry wastewater. Giving zeolite in pig rations resulted in increased body weight and efficiency of the use of higher feed, as well as lower protein content of feces, compared to pigs without zeolite administration.

Zeolite as Soil Enhancer

Zeolites are known for their advantage on numerous angles. They are utilized in numerous things to incorporate restorative, car, and horticulture. In agribusiness, common zeolites have been utilized as feed added substance, water conditioner, soil conditioner, for industries, for hydroponics, and in any event. Ranchers utilized zeolite in light of current circumstances. It could enable their plants to have more supplements or tie substantial metals that cause an awful impact on fish, or diminishing alkali creation from creature excrement.

Zeolite is one of the natural soil cleaners, but it is not yet widely known and used by farmers. The zeolite soil improvement is one of the technological innovations that is proven to be technically able to repair soil damage and increase crop yields, and even reduce the amount of inorganic fertilizer.

Zeolite is a stone that contains common minerals produced using aluminum silicate which is hydrated by soluble base metals and basic earth. Characteristic Zeolite joined fountain of liquid magma emission. Geochemists and mineralogists gauge that zeolites are the result of solidified volcanoes into volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks and changeable rocks which along these lines experience enduring because of the impact of warmth and cold with the goal that zeolite minerals in the end framed.These rocks are gray to bluish in color. Mineralogists state that zeolites contain more than 30 natural minerals, such as Natrolite, Thomsonite, Analytes, Hendalites, Clinoptilotites and Mordernites. Clinoptilotite and Mordernite types are often used in agriculture and have been proven can increase the availability of nitrogen in the soil.

Zeolite as a soil enhancer is a mineral of a hydrated aluminosilicate compound with a hollow structure and contains interchangeable alkali cations. Zeolite as a fixer given into the soil in accordance with the recommended dosage can improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil, so that agricultural production can be increased. The characteristic of zeolite as a mineral that has a three-dimensional structure, is negatively charged, and has pores filled with K, Na, Ca, Mg and H2O ions, thus allowing ion exchange and water release back and forth.

In its use as a soil amendment material, zeolite used must meet several requirements such as zeolite mineral content of at least 50%, cation exchange capacity of at least 100 meq / 100g, minimum water content of 10% and grain size ± 40-80 mesh. Cation exchange capacity is a parameter The main factor in determining the soil’s ability to bind (preserve) fertilizer is given. Cation Exchange Capacity is the amount of metal ion which can be absorbed by a maximum of 1 g of zeolite in equilibrium conditions. Cation exchange capacity of zeolites usually varies from 1.5 to 6 meq / g. As a soil amendment material, the amount of zeolite given to the soil is around 10-20 tons / ha. A very large amount for soils that have very low Cation Exchange Capacity such as sandy soils, podsolic soils, and oxisol soils.

Application of zeolite in agricultural land can be done by directly spreading to the ground or it can also be mixed with fertilizer first. Zeolite can be mixed with urea fertilizer in a ratio of 1: 1 to increase fertilizing efficiency. Another way is to mix zeolite with compost before fertilizer composting. Zeolite can improve the quality of compost and can reduce the smell of compost during the decomposition process. The amount of zeolite given is between 10-30% compost material. Also, it is better to use zeolite using a mixture of zeolite of fine and coarse size so that the effect is getting better and its durability is longer.

The use of zeolite has been applied to rice plants. From the experiments conducted, this zeolite can save fertilizer use up to 30% of the dose given without reducing rice production. Even for 3 consecutive seasons farmers no longer use P fertilizer), but only give zeolites only. The use of zeolites in agricultural land is like feeding plants with their containers. So if the soil is fertilized with the addition of zeolite, then zeolite is the container and fertilizer is the food. Thus fertilizer given to plants will always be available and durable because it is not scattered everywhere. Thus, the ability of zeolites to preserve fertilizer can save fertilizer costs.

That’s all of our article today. The conclusion is zeolite can be used as soil enhancer and also for fertilizer additive. Using zeolite with fertilizer will increase the efficiency of fertilizing process. It also improve productivity from plants.Thank you for reading our article. Keep in touch with Nusagri to get more information about zeolite. is the pioneer in exploitation and processing of zeolite minerals in Indonesia used in Agricultural and multi sectors. Nusagri exported tons of zeolite for many countries including India and Malaysia. Please check our website and social media for further information about zeolite.

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